St Vincent dePaul Society

The Saint Vincent dePaul Society is a charitable organization that helps those in need in the community through donations, meals, gas cards or gift cards, as well as other means.  The recipient does not have to be a member of Our Lady of Loreto.  

Our benefactors have been very generous, and that has allowed us to provide assistance to each need that was made known to us.  If you know of an individual or family that is in need of assistance in our area, please let us know by contacting the church or leaving a note in the St. Vincent de Paul poor boxes or in the collection basket.

Please remember us when considering a memorial or to honor someone.   Donations to the society can be made directly to Our Lady of Loreto Church (in care of Saint Vincent dePaul) or placed directly in the poor boxes in the church.  We thank you, and we thank God for you.